Reflective Journals (for every unit)
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What is a Reflective Journal?
The journal is parallel to the field book or laboratory notes of the scientist. We not only record what happened or what was observed but in addition we can record a tentative hypothesis or the development of new understanding, we can use our writing to make a new sense of phenomena. Reflective writing has the potential to provide us with a systematic approach to our development as a reflective, critical and constructive learner. Our journal can provide an opportunity to make explicit our position on a range of issues of personal significance.
Used effectively, reflective writing will support us to make a personal sense; of a diverse set of experiences, this is particularly important when learning is to be incorporated into every day practice. A reflective journal assists the reflective process.
Why a Reflective Journal?
Reflective writing provides an opportunity for us to think critically about what we do and why. It’s a simple process. It:
• promotes higher order thinking and enables reflection on what has been achieved and where future efforts and support should be focussed,
• provides a record of events and results and our reactions to them,
• helps self-assessment and helps us set goals for future learning,
• provides an opportunity for us to challenge ourselves and what we do and to free us to do it differently and better,
• provides impetus to take action that is informed and planned,
• provides the means to develop a personal philosophy of the discipline and learning itself,
• provides an opportunity to view our learning objectively and not see all problems as personal inadequacy,
• provides an enrichment to our knowledge and skills because we are prepared to innovate,
• promotes literacy
• promotes increased confidence through increased insight.
When to journal?
During and at the end of each unit.
• Unit 1 – Introduction and Overview chapter (1 through 5) from the reference
Unit 2 – Project Integration Management chapter (2)
Unit 3 – Project Scope Management chapter (5)
Unit 4 – Project Time and Cost Management chapter (6)time , chapter (7)cost
Unit 5 – Project Resource and Human Resource Management chapter (12)
Unit 6 – Project Risk Management chapter (11)
Unit 7 – Project Quality Management chapter (8)
Unit 8 – Project Communications Management chapter (10)
Assessment Criteria
Make sure there are clear ideas about expectations and assessment criteria given to the students. (e.g. What can students put in their journals? What is the definition of ‘reflection’? What is the approximate length for each journal entry?)
Maximum Mark Description Analysis Personal Meaning / Impact Action identified Evidence of action taken
15 (1)/9 (2)/6
20 (1)/9 (2)/6 (1)/3 (2)/2
25 (1)/9 (2)/6 (1)/3 (2)/2 (1)/3 (2)/2
27 (1)/9 (2)/6 (1)/3 (2)/2 (1)/3 (2)/2 (7)/2
30 (1)/9 (2)/6 (1)/3 (2)/2 (1)/3 (2)/2 (7)/2 (7)/3
Adapted from Kathryn Pavlovich, Eva Collins, Glyndwr Jones, Developing Students’ Skills in Reflective Practice: Design and Assessment
Project management professional study guide