Science theory and qualitative method
“How to do your master`s dissertation’s” by Euris Larry Everett and Inger Furseth. “Ethnography: Principles in Practiice” by Martyn Hammersley and Paul Atkinson.Subject or course is called : Science theory and qualitative method. This a minor course in a subject called Intercultural studies.
Here is the task: I will get the task on Monday at 08.30 am western European time ( Norway). I will after then give you the task.
Attached file
From the attached file, i sent you. You should focus only focus on the two English written articles which are: Bryman, Alan ( 1999): “ The Debate about Qualitative and Quantities Research” and the article called “ Anthropological Historical Research in Africa. “ How Do We Ask?” If those articles are relevant to the term paper then it is very important when you are referring (references) to a site/page number that you also include the site number, which is down on the right hand side of the page(s)/ site. It is also very important to me, that when you are writing a paragraph in the term paper about a thesis or a theory with your own words, that you INCLUDE the page number/numbers from the book where you are referring to the theory or thesis with your own words or quotations beside the text you have written in the term paper.
Books from Kindle: Samir Okasha, “Philosphy of Science, a very short introduction”. “How to do your master`s dissertation’s” by Euris Larry Everett and Inger Furseth. “Ethnography: Principles in Practiice” by Martyn Hammersley and Paul Atkinson.
Remember, the same things applies for the books: It is very important to me, when you are writing a paragraph in the term paper about a thesis or a theory with your own words, that you INCLUDE the page number/numbers from the book where you are referring to the theory or thesis with your own words or quotations beside the text you have written in the term paper.
Example (How to do your master`s dissertation’s” by Euris Larry Everett and Inger Furseth p. 23) or if you are writing a summary of a theory or thesis that goes over several pages/sites, you also must include them. Example: How to do your master`s dissertation’s” by Euris Larry Everett and Inger Furseth p. 45-50) Remember that this also applies for the tow articles from the attached files I sent to you.
By now every essay writing company I have used have not got this thing right, so it VERY IMPORTANT that you get that thing with the page reference right on the first try, so I don’t have to use time to send the paper to be revised, because time is of the essence to me, and that’s why I gave you a 12 hour deadline, because I have to translate the term paper after you are done with it, because it need to be turned in Wednesday, which means that I have less under two days to translate 2500 words term paper into Norwegian.
In total, there is five references/ authors/articles but you do not have to referrer/use them all in the term paper. YOU must use those articles or books that YOU mean/find is relevant for the term paper. If you for example use three, out of those, five references/books/ articles I have given to you, it is ok, as long as they are relevant to this term paper.