Second Life

Second Life

be aware of the system requirements to be able to successfully install the software. Specific system requirements can be found here: and also include administrative access to be able to install the software. A discussion topic related to alternative virtual worlds will be available in the conferences to help you find a virtual world that can be used to complete this assignment.

create and use an account in a virtual world to interact with friends (name Jessica Gifford)

Specific activities for this homework include:

If needed, create your Virtual world account.
Login and personalize your Avatar.
Navigate through your Virtual world and try to find friends.
Chat with a friend through your Virtual World.
Join a group of your choice in the Virtual World.
Configure and customize your privacy settings in your Virtual World.

Prepare a well-written paper no more than 2–5 pages in length and cover the process of setting up the account, issues you encountered, privacy settings, and how you envision using this account in the future. Be sure to show a screen capture of your avatar interacting in the virtual world in at least 2 different settings. Also, be sure to discuss your reasoning behind your current privacy settings. Discuss any personal or computer security issues you have with using Virtual worlds.