Social Work and Human Services

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Its a 2 page paper and the elder buddy BMI is 28.7 and weighs 157 and 5’2. According to these her BMI that was calculated was 28.7 indicating that its in the overweight category for adults of her height. There should be a weight loss because for her height a normal weight range would be from 101 t0 136 pounds. People who are overweight or obese are at higher risk for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. I believe that if you are over weight or in category of obese should try to avoid gaining additional weight and should watch what they eat as well as exercise. If you are overweight with other risk factors such as high cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, and high blood pressure should try to lose weight. Even small weight may help lower the risk of diseases. Some of the physical activities we found on a typical day for my elder buddy was walking outside for half hour or so. Cleaning the house is also part of the physical activity in her everyday life. Her BMI weight was 28.7 which falls in the overweight range which means she would need to watch what she eats and work on her physical activities little more to lose weight.After calculating the number of calories consumed in a day was showing around 3,210 which is a lot more than it should be because a person should consumed around 2,500 calories per day which is way falls in the overweight category


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