Stakeholder analysis
Order Description
initial quote..
The overarching value and principle of the NHS constitution should be that patients are put first, and everything done by the NHS and everyone associated with it should be informed by this ethos’ (Recommendation 1.123, midstaffordshire report 2013)
Reflect on an example of exemplary customer service that you have seen or experienced. Describe the incident and explore the values and behaviours that were displayed.
Analyse the relevance of this example t the provision of patient centred care and explain how your learning from this observation could be translated to the context of your own working environment.
Based on this analysis, describe the process/es you would use to identify and engage the key stake holders in your work place as part of leading change towards better service provision.
With reference to the work of Kouzes and posner, analyse your strengths as a leader in the context of this engagement and indicate how those strengths could be used to read an enhanced focus on the patient.
Marking guide.
Meets aim of assignment = 10 marks
Presents a brief account of the example of customer service and the values and behaviours demonstrated.
2 Synthesises content clearly and logically=20 marks
there is evidence of critical thinking and synthesis of ideas. Logic flow of ideas presented.
3; Communicates clearly and uses appropriate academic language. =10 marks
Content is communicated clearly and concisely in a professional academic way
Uses supporting literature and research = 10marks
provides evidence of reviewing relevant research and literature.
References used are relevant, current and from appropriate literature sources.
Communicates impact of stakeholder analysis=40marks ***
Provides background content ofd how stakeholder analysis could be translated into he workplace
Key stakeholders and stakeholder engagement strategies are evident.
Clearly identifies professional and organisational outcomes of stakeholder analysis to improve service provision.
Evidence of analysis of personal strengths as a leader.
Adheres to school requirements with regards to presentation, referencing and word limit.
Organises assignment logically and coherently, presentation style is in accordance with guidelines.
References cited accurately in text and reference list.
Approx 30 references needed
keep in mind that implementation of stakeholder analysis will be into a mental health acute unit