The Biological and Psychological affects of a healthy lifestyle.

Health benefits of having a clean and active lifestyle. Points to cover will be regular exercise and vegetarian eating for young adults. You will be describing the process in a biological and psychological aspect. For example, for exercise you will describe what is going on in the nervous systems, which parts of the brain is active, what are the neurotransmitters communicating and to what part. Is the somatic system active? What mood would adults be in? what chemical is released before, during and after activity, and where. examine the genetic deposition that would challenge an active lifestyle for obesity, as in would this help physically? Mentally? How does the body digest vegetarian food apposed to junk food. the combination of both exercise and healthy eating would lead to lower health risks, such as…
This will be in ADA format. Prompt below:

The paper should adequately explore the chosen topic, provide a comprehensive theoretical understanding, address practical clinical issues, and consider any relevant neuropsychological, ethical, or legal issues. No less than four and no more than six research articles should be referenced and cited. In addition, you may include up to four other references (i.e., course text, websites, and optional texts). no more than 6 pages in length.

Pinel, J.P.J. (2014). Biopsychology (9th or 10th ed.). Boston: Pearson

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