‘[T]heatre can be the consequence of ‘staging a play’ or the culmination of research towards making […]’ This is the question of authorship’ (Anna Furse).
Order Description
‘[T]heatre can be the consequence of ‘staging a play’ or the
culmination of research towards making […]’ This is the question of
authorship’ (Anna Furse).
In light of this quotation and your collaborative experiences of theatre
making throughout your degree, what have you learned about how
performances are created? You answer should make detailed reference
to your practical working process for each of the productions you write
about, considering the approach(es) taken and the impact(s) of your
collective decisions on the work. (Furse, A. (ed). ‘Introduction’, Theatre in Pieces –
politics, poetics and interdisciplinary collaboration – an anthology of play texts 1966 – 2010.
London: Methuen, 2011, v.)
This assignment requires you to:
• reflect on your learning throughout your programme, in
terms of knowledge and understanding, thinking skills,
practical skills and graduate skills
• read, analyse, document and/or interpret performance and
theatre events
• make detailed reference to specific events. E.g. practical
assessments, particular classes or exercises,
performances you have seen or taken part in
• identify appropriate theories and contexts to explain
and/or interpret your reflections
• make use of appropriate academic register, including
accurate and appropriate use of English
• apply the requirements for the submission of written work,
including accurate referencing
You are advised to focus this written reflection EITHER on one
strand of your practical work (e.g. performance, design,
direction etc.) and identify key moments in your developing
understanding of this area of work, OR on a number of key
events in your learning about your practice in more than one
area. You should aim to write in depth about only TWO
productions you have worked on, rather than trying to write
about every practical project you have been involved with
during your degree.
The importance of collaborating when directing
Verbatim theatre on homelessness is a project I worked on
The issues I faced when directing a piece verbatim theatre. Spending too long on the research stage for creating material to work with. Interviewed members of the public. Homeless people.people in shelters to generate material.
The ethics behind verbatim
Problems faced in rehearsals. Trying to be ethical yet creative. Playing with the dramaturgy to make it interesting and not preachy.