This document is authorized for use only by KYLE MATTICE in MGT 509 Spring 2015-1 taught by Keith Yurgosky, University of Scranton from March 2015 to August 2015.

This document is authorized for use only by KYLE MATTICE in MGT 509 Spring 2015-1 taught by Keith Yurgosky, University of Scranton from March 2015 to August 2015.





Section 5

Section 6

Section 7

Section 8


About my match

About me

Aspects of identity

Personal traits and preferences

Right hand image
Self perception
Communication dynamics



* denotes one of the questions entails a visual game

Sample Questions

Which of the following four pictures most closely resembles your right hand?
What kind of relationship are you looking for? Is your sock drawer ready for public inspection?
Do you enjoy the challenge of managing people? Do you have children? How often do you drink?
How important is it for you to share very personal matters with your partner? When you see two
people madly kissing in public, would you rather not look? Do you get restless if you have to stay
home for any length of time?
Would you buy a used car from this person (pictures of four people appear)? If you’re stuck in a
boring meeting, or waiting in the airport, what would your doodles typically look like (pictures of 8
doodles appear)? On the scale of 1 to 4, rate the following statements: “I consider every option
thoroughly before making a plan”, “I would rather have loyal friends than interesting friends”, “Sex is
an essential part of a successful relationship”, “I am more analytical and logical than most people”.
On the scale of 1 to 4, rate the following statement: “There is something on the other side of the
wall” (picture of a young man looking over a concrete wall is displayed).
How tall are you? What color are your eyes? What is the highest level of education you have
completed? What is your relationship history? Where would you most like to live? Tell us about
yourself and who you’re looking for (2000 characters essay).
Is it OK if your future partner drinks? What body types do you find attractive? Which ethnic
backgrounds are you willing to consider?

Source: Compiled by the case writers from



No of

Chemistry Personality Test

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4

Exhibit 12
