When you encounter a communication and media essay in your school work (whether or not it is your first time), it becomes apparent that you need to have a well-thoughtout attack strategy. Most colleges require that your communication and media essay reflect a high level of critical thinking on your part. The instructor expects you to explore the not-so-obvious aspects of the essay assignment since the industry requires you to not only anticipate events, but to respond in a manner that uniquely addresses the issue at hand. It goes without saying that high levels of language understanding and use should be enmeshed into the essay. The language says it all in this field and you are thus expected to not only express your thought process in a way that communicates the idea with clarity, but to say it in a way that ensures that the message you seek to put across does not make unwanted waves. The grammar needs to be perfect, with the punctuation setting the right tone for the communication and media essay. Improper punctuation can wreak havoc on your essay as the message can become distorted. This evidenced in the hotly contested religious debate about what Jesus really said on the cross as two interpretations have placed the comma in different places, leading to a difference in beliefs. One interpretation says: “I tell you today, you will be in heaven with me…” The other says: “I tell you, today you will be in heaven with me…” You can thus appreciate the confusion that arises from proper punctuation.
A clear portrayal of the ability to carry out a rigorous analysis of the problem is a prerequisite for the communication and media essay. This means that you should look at the assignment description over and give it careful thought before planning a plan of attack. You need to look beyond the black and white and read between the lines to fully grasp the scope of the assignment. This ensures that when you get to work, only the information that is highly relevant to the essay assignment feature in your work. Extraneous information can serve to ruin the essay by making the essay shallow due to lack of inclusion of the necessary information. Extraneous bits of information also mean that you end up exposing your work to misinterpretation. The best form of communication needs to be succinct and comprehensive. The language needs to be simple, but not simplistic. This means that you follow all the requirements of proper grammar and use vocabulary that is sufficient and that befits a communications and media assignment. A wordy communication and media essay turns off the reader and distracts the attention of your audience from the critical areas of your writing. You should also maintain proper parallelism in your communication and media essay, have subject-verb agreement, antecedent-verb agreement and no squinting adverbs. Following these rules ensures that the communication and media essay is not only clear in its message, but that you get top grades for your work.
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