Without good measurement/Problem Set
Description of Course:
Psychology practitioners use statistics in a variety of professional undertakings, such as creating studies to assess human behavior or deciding which treatment approaches are most effective for a specific client. Students in this course are provided with a thorough analysis of basic descriptive and inferential statistical methods commonly used in the social sciences. Students work toward developing the skills with which to write, analyze, and critique social science research. They learn various methods, including computation and analysis of frequency distributions, measures of central tendency, and statistical hypothesis testing. Students also examine statistical tests (and underlying assumptions), including z-score; single-sample, independent-sample, and related-sample t-tests; analysis of variance; correlation, regression; and chi-square tests. This course also provides students with an introduction to the SPSS statistical software package. Note: To register for this course, please contact the Academic Advising Team.
Learning Objectives Stated in Terms of Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Explain and apply statistical concepts, methods, and tests
• Produce graphical displays used in descriptive data analysis and explain characteristics of data in terms of central tendency, variability, and symmetry
• Compute and use z-scores as examples of standardized scores
• Explain and apply concepts related to the normal curve and to probability
• Explain the assumptions required for parametric hypothesis testing, and transform a research question involving two variables into an appropriate null and alternative hypothesis
• Compute the value, level of statistical significance, and confidence interval around a test statistic (including t statistic, z-score, correlation coefficient, F-ratio, and the chi-square statistic) and interpret the results of statistical tests
• Understand the assumptions and limitations of nonparametric statistical tests
• Understand statistical concepts and tests and apply them to real-world situations
• Use SPSS to compute statistical values and perform statistical tests
• Use and interpret outputs from SPSS
Required Text(s) and Other Materials:
Course Media: (Laureate-produced media and other selected media elements are streamed in the classroom via the media player):
Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2006). Statistics I. Baltimore: Author.
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Gravetter, F. J., &Wallnau, L. B. (2013). Statistics for the behavioral sciences 9th ed. Stamford, CT: Wadsworth. *Please note that the INTERNATIONAL version will not be acceptable; the problem sets are different.
Green, S. B., &Salkind, N. J. (2011). Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and understanding data (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Journal Articles
The article listed below is available online through the Walden Library databases. Directions for locating it are in the Course Info area. If you have difficulty locating the article, please contact your instructor or the Walden Library helpdesk for assistance.
Howell, D. C., Huessy, H. R., &Hassuk, B. (1985). Fifteen-year follow-up of a behavioral history of attention deficit disorder. Pediatrics, 76(2), 185-190. Retrieved January 27, 2006, from Academic Search Premier database. Accession Number (AN) 4733982.
Other Required Resources
PDF: Salkind, N. J. (2003). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics (Appendix A, pp. 325-352). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Inc. Available in the Week 1 Assignments area.
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Graduate Pack (Grad Pack), Version 10.0 or higher: You will use this software to complete Application Assignments and the Final Project. The Walden Online Bookstore has the most current version of the software available for purchase. If you would like to upgrade an earlier program you already own, contact SPSS. If you would rather, you can rent this program for 6- or 12-month increments from: www.e-academy.com Note: The Graduate Pack is required for Statistics II and Statistics III. Thus, the software you purchase for this course can be used in your later statistics courses. SPSS is widely used statistical software and the Graduate Pack contains a complete set of statistical procedures. The Student Version of SPSS, which is different from the Graduate Pack, should not be purchased in place of the Graduate Pack; you will not be able to complete all the assignments without the Grad Pack.
Adobe Reader: You will need Adobe Reader to access the Salkind Appendix PDF in Week 1. Click here to download the latest version of Adobe Reader.
QuickTime Player: You will need to download and install the free QuickTime Player in order to view the video programs and SPSS demonstrations on your course DVD (The content provided on the DVD is also available inside the classroom at no additional charge or video in the MyMedia player.)
• Click here to download QuickTime Player for Windows.
• Click here to download QuickTime Player for Macintosh.
Note: Occasionally, software updates may interfere with the function of the course DVD’s user interface. If you have difficulty accessing the programs on your DVD(The content provided on the DVD is also available inside the classroom at no additional charge or video in the MyMedia player.), first be sure that you have QuickTime Player installed and then follow these instructions.
1. To access the movie files, place the DVD in your computer’s CD-ROM drive and then double-click the “My Computer” icon on your desktop.
2. Right-click on the drive and choose “Open” from the dropdown menu.
3. Open the folder labeled “mov” and then double-click on the appropriate file.
A Java-enabled Web browser: You will need to have Java enabled on your Web browser in order to complete the Week 5 Discussion question.
For assistance with downloading and installing Adobe Reader or QuickTime Player, and with enabling Java on your Web browser, contact your Online Concierge.
Supplementary Learning Resource
Step-By-Step: Throughout this course, you are provided with a supplementary learning resource created by the publisher of your course text, Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. While using this “Step-By-Step” resource is optional, it will enhance your understanding of the main concept(s) or formula(s) presented in the week’s assigned reading. “Step-By-Step” does just as its name indicates: It takes you step by step through a process for understanding a concept or performing a computation using a formula. If you choose to use this resource, it is suggested that you use it after you have completed the assigned reading in Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences and viewed the video program and/or demonstration, and before you begin the Discussion and Application Assignments.
Course Assignments
Online Discussion
The exchange of ideas between colleagues engaged in scholarly inquiry is a key aspect of graduate-level learning and is a requisite activity in this course.
Requirements: You are expected to participate at least three days a week in the weekly Discussion area. Discussion topics/questions are provided in the “Discussion” area under each Weekly Button. In addition, you are expected to respond to your fellow students’ postings. To count as participation, responses need to be thoughtful; that is, they must refer to the week’s readings, relevant issues in the news, information obtained from other sources, and/or ideas expressed in the postings of other class members. Where appropriate, you should use references to support your position. Each week has one Discussion question. This Discussion requires a response to another student’s posting; it should be no more than two paragraphs long.
Postings to the Discussion question are due by Day 4, and responses are due by Day 6. It is important to adhere to the weekly timeframe to allow others ample time to respond to your posting. Discussions will be graded according to the Discussion Posting and Response Rubric found in the Week 1 Assignments area.
Application Assignments
Weekly Application Assignments include Problem Sets (problems assigned from the course text Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences) as well as sections of the Final Project. Your instructor will assign a problem set (1, 2, or 3) that will be used for the entire quarter. Assigned questions can be found in the “Problems” section at the end of each chapter.
Final Project
You are required to complete a Final Project. The project is due on the 7th day of the 11th week of the quarter. You are asked to complete the Final Project in stages. Starting in the first week of the course, you are required to write sections of the Final Project. A brief description of the stages of the Final Project is below. Consult the Syllabus and the weekly Assignments area for specific requirements for each submission. Assignments are due by Day 7 of each week in which they are assigned.
• Week 1: Save, print, and read the Final Project Grading Information and Instructions; Save and review the Final Project Template.
• Week 2: Read the required peer-reviewed article and download and save the Final Project data set.
• Week 3: Compute measures of central tendency and variability for project variables.
• Week 4: Find, download, and read one peer-reviewed article on attention deficit disorder; create an APA reference for the article
• Week 5: Prepare the Title Page, Abstract page, and Introduction.
• Week 6: Submit a working draft of the Final Project for instructor feedback.
• Week 7: There is no Final Project assignment for this week.
• Week 8: Perform an independent-samples t test and report the results.
• Week 9: Perform an analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and report the results.
• Week 10: Perform a correlation test and report the results.
• Week 11: Submit the Final Project.
The Final Project involves an analysis of a pre-designated data set. All materials related to the Final Project are delivered to you within the weekly Assignments area when needed. The primary purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to apply the statistical principles you learn in this course to a real-world data set. Additionally, it provides practice in using correct APA format in your writing. A Final Project Template in APA format is provided to you. You are highly encouraged to use this template to guide you in preparing your Final Project.
A superior Final Project will demonstrate an understanding of statistical principles, correct use of SPSS, and correct APA style. The Final Project must follow APA Manualguidelines and be free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors. The Final Project will be graded using the criteria found in the Final Project Grading Information and Instructions.