You are listing your sources (you learned how to find them last week) and other information that you will be using in the first paper: your topic, your working thesis (one that can be tweaked), and your sources.

You are listing your sources (you learned how to find them last week)
and other information that you will be using in the first paper:
your topic, your working thesis (one that can be tweaked), and your sources.

While you do not have to list your sources in MLA format, you need to list all the information about the source:

Author (if you have one), (“article title”), Publication, Database, Date etc.

This list is VERY IMPORTANT – you do not want to spend time writing a paper
using sources and or a topic that is not approved.
One last time – DO NOT GOOGLE anything for this paper; NO GENERAL websites allowed in Paper 1

QUESTION 1:What is your topic? Your topic should be sufficiently narrowed down. The smaller the topic window, the easier it is to write and research. Write about a SCANDAL from a particular point of view. What do you want to cover.

Question 2:List three (3) questions that will help you build your thesis around your topic. These are the types of questions that were exampled in the PowerPoints I posted to the file. You break apart the questions to build your thesis.

QUESTION3: What is your working thesis? A good/strong thesis for this paper should contain three component areas that you will be developing around your topic. The this, this and this that you saw exampled in the Power Points I posted to file.

QUESTION4: List at least seven sources that you might include in this paper. They must be from college databases. You may use other print sources and a book or two. You need not put these in MLA format, but you must include: author (if you have one), the title of the book or article and the source it comes from. Remember that a database is NOT a direct source; it is a gateway to your source. The source is the publication, i.e.: The New York Times, Newsweek or a thousand other magazines and journals on the database.