
Assignment One: Due 25 May

Essay One:  Based exclusively on Goldfield and Brownell, write a 3 page essay in which you develop three major points that discuss living conditions in the industrial city.

This essay – like most this semester – will assume the “rule of three” – three major points to discuss or explain.

Thesis Paragraph (Review “How to Write A History Essay):


  1. First point discussing living conditions in the industrial city


  1. Second point discussing living conditions in the industrial city.


  1. Third point discussing living conditions in the industrial city.


These thesis points should make up the heart of your first (thesis) paragraph and should each be a separate sentence.  These thesis points are what I will be looking for in your first paragraph.


Body of Essay:  (Review “How to Write a History Essay”) Each paragraph in the body of the essay should begin with a topic sentence that links the subject matter of the paragraph back to the thesis.  I will be looking for topic sentences and strong evidence/examples in your essays.


Paragraph One:

Topic Sentence:  First point discussing living conditions in the industrial city.

  1. Evidence/examples of living conditions in the industrial city


Paragraph Two:

Topic Sentence:  Second point discussing living conditions in the industrial city.

  1. Evidence/examples of living conditions in the industrial city


Paragraph Three:

Topic Sentence:  Third point discussing living conditions in the industrial city.

  1. Evidence/examples of living conditions in the industrial city


Conclusion:  The concluding paragraph needs to restate the main points of the paper.  Each point should be expressed as a separate sentence.



Essay Two:  Based exclusively on Goldfield and Brownell, write a 3 page essay in which you develop three major points that discuss working conditions in the industrial city

This essay – like most this semester – will assume the “rule of three” – three major points to discuss or explain.

Thesis Paragraph (Review “How to Write A History Essay):


  1. First point showing working conditions in the industrial city


  1. Second point showing working conditions in the industrial city.


  1. Third point showing working conditions in the industrial city.


These thesis points should make up the heart of your first (thesis) paragraph and should each be a separate sentence.  These thesis points are what I will be looking for in your first paragraph.


Body of Essay:  (Review “How to Write a History Essay”) Each paragraph in the body of the essay should begin with a topic sentence that links the subject matter of the paragraph back to the thesis.  I will be looking for topic sentences and strong evidence/examples in your essays.


Paragraph One:

Topic Sentence:  First point showing working conditions in the industrial city.

  1. Evidence/examples showing working conditions in the industrial city


Paragraph Two:

Topic Sentence:  Second point showing working conditions in the industrial city.

  1. Evidence/examples showing working conditions in the industrial city


Paragraph Three:

Topic Sentence:  Third point showing working conditions in the industrial city.

  1. Evidence/examples showing working conditions in the industrial city


Conclusion:  The concluding paragraph needs to restate the main points of the paper.  Each point should be expressed as a separate sentence.



Essay Three:  Based exclusively on Tarr, write a three page essay in which you discuss how industrialization and urbanization in the Pittsburgh area had negative consequences for water, air and land.

This essay – like most this semester – will assume the “rule of three” – three major points to discuss or explain.

Thesis Paragraph (Review “How to Write A History Essay):


  1. First point showing how industrialization and urbanization in the Pittsburgh area had negative consequences for water


  1. Second point showing how industrialization and urbanization in the Pittsburgh area had negative consequences for air


  1. Third point showing how industrialization and urbanization in the Pittsburgh area had negative consequences for land.


These thesis points should make up the heart of your first (thesis) paragraph and should each be a separate sentence.  These thesis points are what I will be looking for in your first paragraph.


Body of Essay:  (Review “How to Write a History Essay”) Each paragraph in the body of the essay should begin with a topic sentence that links the subject matter of the paragraph back to the thesis.  I will be looking for topic sentences and strong evidence/examples in your essays.


Paragraph One:

Topic Sentence:  First point showing how industrialization and urbanization in the Pittsburgh area had negative consequences for water

  1. Evidence/examples showing how industrialization and urbanization in the Pittsburgh area had negative consequences for water


Paragraph Two:

Topic Sentence:  Second point showing how industrialization and urbanization in the Pittsburgh area had negative consequences for air

  1. Evidence/examples showing how industrialization and urbanization in the Pittsburgh area had negative consequences for air


Paragraph Three:

Topic Sentence:  Third point showing how industrialization and urbanization in the Pittsburgh area had negative consequences for land.

  1. Evidence/examples showing how industrialization and urbanization in the Pittsburgh area had negative consequences for land


Conclusion:  The concluding paragraph needs to restate the main points of the paper.  Each point should be expressed as a separate sentence.



Essay Four:  Based exclusively on Czitrom, write a 3 page essay in which you discuss how Big Tim Sullivan could be seen as an urban and political reformer.

This essay – like most this semester – will assume the “rule of three” – three major points to discuss or explain.

Thesis Paragraph (Review “How to Write A History Essay):


  1. First point showing how Big Tim Sullivan could be seen as an urban and political reformer.


  1. Second point showing how Big Tim Sullivan could be seen as an urban and political reformer.


  1. Third point showing how Big Tim Sullivan could be seen as an urban and political reformer.


These thesis points should make up the heart of your first (thesis) paragraph and should each be a separate sentence.  These thesis points are what I will be looking for in your first paragraph.


Body of Essay:  (Review “How to Write a History Essay”) Each paragraph in the body of the essay should begin with a topic sentence that links the subject matter of the paragraph back to the thesis.  I will be looking for topic sentences and strong evidence/examples in your essays.


Paragraph One:

Topic Sentence:  First point showing how Big Tim Sullivan could be seen as an urban and political reformer.

  1. Evidence/examples showing how the Wright brothers’ pursuit of powered flight was part of a larger national and international community of researchers


Paragraph Two:

Topic Sentence:  Second point showing how Big Tim Sullivan could be seen as an urban and political reformer.

  1. Evidence/examples showing how the Wright brothers’ pursuit of powered flight was part of a larger national and international community of researchers


Paragraph Three:

Topic Sentence:  Third point showing how Big Tim Sullivan could be seen as an urban and political reformer.

  1. Evidence/examples showing how the Wright brothers’ pursuit of powered flight was part of a larger national and international community of researchers


Conclusion:  The concluding paragraph needs to restate the main points of the paper.  Each point should be expressed as a separate sentence.


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