Social Work and Human Services

I did my paper but I got feedback and I have some issue and I need the writer to correct my pape


oints to note and work with for writing Essay paper 1 Your paper should be divided into two major sections, with each section dealing with social welfare policies that speak either to Individual or Collective Responsibility [do not go from Individual to Collective and back to Individual, etc. or you will lose the thread]. Paper #1. – Why Care for the Stranger? Assess the tension between individual and collective responsibility in meeting social welfare needs. Develop your view of care for the stranger with a succinct argument based upon historical evidence, class materials, social work values and your values. Include in your paper the six NASW Ethical Principles and the Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities to the Broader Society. America is evenly divided on the issues of Liberalism and Conservatism, and these belief systems have formed the main ethos of America’s Social Welfare. Generally, Conservatives [Republicans included] see the provision of social welfare to Americans as giving something away to “Strangers” and they will do anything to stop giving to American “Strangers.” They believe in “Individual Responsibility” for their own welfare and well-being. On the other hand, Liberals [Democrats included] see the provision of social welfare as a part of the contract that American citizens have with their country. They therefore see the provision of social welfare as normative and even an obligation and will do whatever it takes to make sure that Americans in need are provided for. They therefore believe in “Collective Responsibility” for Americans who are not so well off and who must be collectively cared for when they fall. Generally speaking, more Social Welfare programs that “Care for the Stranger” are created under the Liberals than under any Conservative governments. It is important to note that some Conservative Presidents, while against Collective Responsibility for Social Welfare, still went ahead to “care for the stranger” while some Liberals created or enacted programs that spoke to “Individual Responsibility” for social welfare To effectively respond to the question, students must examine the social welfare programs that have existed and been provided to Americans from 1935-2013. Some students would even retrospect [go back to] into the Elizabethan Poor Law era in England and America, up to the Progressive Era of Theodore Roosevelt. These programs and the way they were put forward expose either “Individual Responsibility” or “Collective Responsibility” for social welfare. There are several eras that students have to research on to find out if the programs put forward are individual or collective [caring for the stranger] responsibility. These are some of the eras. 1. The “New Deal” of 1935 that followed the 1929 crash of the Stock Market, leading to the Great Depression-What were the programs enacted by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and how did these programs helped to “care for the stranger?” 2. The next era was during the President Kennedy and Johnson administration, popularly referred to as “The Great Society.” What were the programs of this era that reflected the care for the stranger? 3. The next era was the “Paradoxical Era” starting with Presidents Richard Milhous Nixon, Gerald Ford and James [Earl] Jimmy Carter. Examine the programs that were enacted here to see where they belong 4. The next is The Conservative Counterrevolution or “Retrenchment Era” beginning with President Ronald Reagan who sought and succeeded in trimming social welfare spending and creating Reaganomics as a way to trim the budget. Others include George Herbert Walker Bush, William Jefferson Clinton-Policy Uncertainty [Personal Responsibility and Opportunity Reconciliation Act and TANF; Family and Medical Leave Act] and George Bush, Jr. [Bush Jr. was a mix of Individual and Collective Responsibility- and it is important to show how, including The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (also known as the Medicare Modernization Act or MMA), a United States federal law that was enacted in 2003] would view Bush Jr. in both lights 5. The new phase is President Barak Obama-Explore his programs, including the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Same Sex [including Transgender issues] Marriage, among others to see where his social welfare programs belong. Explore these programs to assist you tease out the polices that Care for the Stranger [Collective Responsibility] and compare them with those that rely on Individual Responsibility Your paper should be divided into two major sections, with each section dealing with social welfare policies that speak either to Individual or Collective Responsibility [do not go from Individual to Collective and back or you will lose the thread]. Attempt to summarize each of the sections when you have finished writing them. However, don’t forget to do a general conclusion at the end of your paper. Nota bene: This is just a guide. You may find and include other resources that you find relevant


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